Sunday 5 November 2017


Murree-Kotli Sattian-Kahuta National Park is located in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan. This park is established in September 2009 and area of this park is 5,7581 hectare.
There are 29 national parks in Pakistan. 21 of them are under the supervision of local governments and remaining 8 are taken care by privately. Parks were mainly carried out by a National Conservation Strategy 1992 in order to protect the nature. Importance of environment has already been included in the concurrent constitution of 1973, however it was 90s when Pakistan established 10 new National Parks.

As per legislation, a National Park is an area that is protected by government for the conservation natural scenery and wild life in a natural state. National Parks are made accessible to public for research and recreation. In order to promote public usage of National Parks, construction of a limited roads and rest houses are permitted however all other factors that can pollute environment or can destruct wildlife, are banned in these areas.
Pakistan starting establishing National Parks in 1972 and up til 2015, there are total 29 national parks in Pakistan. They have been listed alphabetically below.Under a Sept 15, 2009 notification issued under the Punjab Wildlife (Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management) Act 1974, the areas of Murree, Kotli Sattian and Kahuta were declared ‘national park area’, where the clearing or breaking up of any land for cultivation, mining or for any other purpose is prohibited.

Panjpeer Rocks    (Moqvi Photos)

                                                                 Patriata Rest House 


  1. That's the beauty of the murree. We have Murree trip packages if anyone is interested?

    3 day trip to murree
    Weekend trip to murree

  2. Muree is Pakistan's #1 tourist destination of all times. you can spend Weekend there. You must have at least 3-days to properly explore the city. You can also enjoy Hiking and other activities in murree.

  3. my grand mother lives there so i go there every year . i would like to know what wildlife is present



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