Q : What is the distance from Islamabad to Kotli Sattian ?
A : The travel distance from mainstream 
Islamabad City to Kotli Sattian (via Lehtrar Road) is 28.3 miles (45.5 km). It takes about 1 hr 17 minutes by vehicle from Islamabad to Kotli Sattian.

Q : What is the distance between Murree and Kotli Sattian ?
A : The distance between Murree and Kotli Sattian is 24.1 miles (38.8 km) via Bunn road.

Q : What is the Burj to Patriata trek distance ?

A : Burj to Patriata trek distance is about 6 km. 

Q : What is the Danoi to Panjpeer trek distance ?
A : Danoi hiking trek starts from Danoi Forest rest house and it reaches at Panjpeer rocks. The distance is around 7 km. 

Q : Is Kotli Sattian in Kashmir ?
A : No, Kotli Sattian is part of the Rawalpindi district of the Punjab province. Kotli Sattian touches the Kashmir territory on the east by bridging the river Jhelum and on the southwest, it is bordered with Islamabad, the Federal Capital. It is bounded on the south by Kahuta subdivision, and on the northwest by the Murree subdivision.


Pakistan's People Led Disaster Management Movement , (PPLDM) is based on the belief that disaster management should be in the hands of...