Friday 20 July 2018


Pakistan's People Led Disaster Management Movement, (PPLDM) is based on the belief that disaster management should be in the hands of the people, not just the state.Those most vulnerable to natural disasters are most motivated to undertake risk reduction measures and imagine innovative ways of surviving natural disasters.

Climate change dictates that we reinvent societal existence through collective endeavor. PPLDM will grow from strength to strength because our chief resource is "knowledge based endeavor."​Our mission statement is "Knowledge and endeavor are endless resources." Our job is to ring the alarm whenever we see a potential disaster in the making by attempting to motivate both government and the people to take positive steps to reduce the risk. We are in the process of revolutionizing disaster management in Pakistan.


PPLDM’s first activity related to promoting public education on disasters in Pakistan is the upcoming publication, “PAKISTAN’S DISASTER RISK ANALYSIS.” To be published in both Urdu and English, the book is a comprehensive account of all the major disasters Pakistanis stand the risk of facing.

PPLDM’s founder Zeenia Sadiq Satti started advocating for earthquake risk reduction of Rawalpindi city in 2014, even before PPLDM formally existed as an NGO. A walk down the city and observation of its structures led her to conclude there was dire need for earthquake risk reduction at three levels:

  • Hazard mapping of Rawalpindi city to ascertain the level and scale of risk
  • Teaching of CBERM (Community Based Earthquake Risk Management) skills
  • Retrofitting of critical life-saving structures such as hospitals and building that serve as transitional shelters.

  • Contact

    Field Address : Parhinna Gallery, Kamra, Kotli Sattian, District Rawalpindi 

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Events of July 13, 2018 (Mastung Attack and arrival of Sharifs at Lahore) exhibit intelligent design against Pakistan. Sharifs were either complicit or were played like fools by enemy intelligence in this matter. PEMRA head must resign and proper inquiry must ensue. Please watch the video analysis by Zeenia Satti

Sunday 1 July 2018


Dr Tallat Shafaat Satti is a senior Software Engineer at Google, California. He holds a PhD in Distributed Systems (IT) from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.  He attended KTH Royal Institute of Technology for MS in Distributed Systems (IT), and Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering, Sciences and technology for BS in Computer Systems Engineering.

Prior to join Google, he worked for Microsoft and VMware. His areas of interest are distributed systems, Cloud computing, peer-to-peer systems and distributed algorithms.